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Data Deletion VS Data Erasure

Data Deletion VS Data Erasure

We all know the saying “Information is power” therefore protecting your data should be your number 1 priority. As we create and save large amounts of information, the issue of handling it becomes more and more important. Understanding the difference between data deletion and data erasure is the first step in managing your data. 


Data deletion is the process of removing a file from a storage device and typically placing it into the Recycle Bin or Trash. During this process, the occupied space is marked as ‘available,’ but the information remains intact until it is overwritten by new data. 


Data Erasure on the other hand doesn’t just hide items; it destroys them, making recovery impossible. Unlike deletion, algorithms overwrite the record multiple times, ensuring it cannot be retrieved. This process complies with various industry standards and is one of the only ways to guarantee you 100% confidence, besides Data Destruction.  


To permanently erase your data, contact us today! 

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